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EUBCE 2024 - Suani COELHO - Mapping of Biomass Residues and Wastes for Energy Valorisation in Bahia State, Brazil

Mapping of Biomass Residues and Wastes for Energy Valorisation in Bahia State, Brazil


Biomass resource assessment and mobilisation

Mapping of Biomass Residues and Wastes for Energy Valorisation in Bahia State, Brazil

Short Introductive summary

The energy sector, responsible for 75% of greenhouse gas emissions, is vital for combatting climate change. Global net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050 require a comprehensive transformation in energy production, transportation, and consumption. Brazil, with a 44.7% renewable energy matrix, utilizes biomass for liquid biofuels, bioenergy, and hydrogen production. Bahia State, rich in agricultural crops and population, has untapped biomass potential. This study aims to map Bahia’s biomass energy potential, creating georeferenced and interactive maps. The research targets identifying opportunities for biogas, biomethane, electricity, and hydrogen production. These maps can guide public officials and investors, promoting sustainable energy infrastructure, reducing emissions, generating income, and fostering local sustainability. The study aligns with the state’s renewable energy goals, supporting a cleaner energy matrix and reducing dependence on the National Interconnected System.


Moderator portrait


Júlio Romano Meneghini Processo FAPESP 2020/15230-5, University of São Paulo

Presenter's biography

Short bio. Suani Teixeira Coelho is a Chemical Engineer, Master and PhD in Energy in the Graduate Program in Energy from the University of São Paulo, where she is currently lecturer, thesis advisor, PD supervisor and coordinator of the Research Group on Bioenergy (GBIO). Senior Professor

Biographies and Short introductive summaries are supplied directly by presenters and are published here unedited


V. Pecora Garcilasso, USP, São Paulo, BRAZIL
M. Mariano Dos Santos, USP, São Paulo, BRAZIL
D. Higgin Amaral I, USP, São Paulo, BRAZIL
M. Joelma Do Nascimento Anater, USP, São Paulo, BRAZIL
A. Carolina Gutierrez-Gomez, USP, São Paulo, BRAZIL
O. Soliano, UFBA, Salvador, BRAZIL
T. Mousinho Reis, CBEM, Salvador, BRAZIL
A. Álisson Bandeira Santos, SENAI CIMATEC, Salvador, BRAZIL
P. Roberto Freitas Neves, SENAI CIMATEC, Salvador, BRAZIL
C. Reinaldo Cavalcante Rodrigues, SEINFRA, Salvador, BRAZIL
F. Rodrigues Moraes, SECTI, Salvador, BRAZIL
M. Bernardo Do Nascimento Silva, BAHIAGÁS, Salvador, BRAZIL
S. Teixeira Coelho, USP, São Paulo, BRAZIL

Session reference: 1CV.2.5